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Benefits of Dairy Products

Published:2015-12-03        Views:289        Back to list
1. The truth about weight management

On the farm we like to stay healthy. Luckily for us, dairy foods are packed full of nutrients, which makes it a great choice for healthy living. But did you know that dairy can also help keep our weight on track?

Studies have shown that around 40% of women aged 30-54 years are concerned that eating dairy foods will cause them to put on extra kilograms. However, foods high in protein, like dairy foods, help you feel fuller for longer after eating. This helps to reduce cravings and overeating of high energy snacks that can lead to weight gain.

2. Dairy foods can be great for heart health

Consuming low fat dairy products (as part of a varied diet) can be great for the health of your heart. Another great reason for everyone to enjoy the goodness of dairy.

3. Asthma - The surprising reality

There is a myth that we should remove dairy from our diets to reduce or eliminate asthma. In fact the National Asthma Council recommend that people with asthma should eat a nutritious diet from a wide variety of foods, including milk and other dairy products. A study of nearly 3000 pre-school aged children found those who ate dairy foods daily had a much lower rate of asthma symptoms.
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